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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Remembering Our Leaders - John Stott

I heard the news that John Stott had died from the Bishop of Mubende whilst in Uganda. We were out in the middle of goodness knows where and he'd just led (and our family had just sat through) a four and a half hour church service. We'd had some lunch (a story in itself) and I was asking him who had influenced him in his spiritual journey. And then he told me about the great man's death a couple of days previously.

I was pleased for Dr Stott, he was 90 and was now with his Lord but sad for the rest of us who will miss his huge contribution. And his contribution was ongoing - his last book was written when he was 88!

I only heard him speak once (and it wasn't all that great to be honest) and I've only read a few of his 50 books but his impact on me has been massive. This is in large measure due to the fact that without him the whole Christian landscape that we enjoy today would be so much the poorer. So many of those who have helped me in my Christian walk and ministry have been mentored and shaped by him.

He fought battles that we don't have to fight anymore. Battles over the scholarly integrity of the Bible; he led the way in showing that our Scriptures are academically coherent and reliable. Battles over the relationship between evangelism and social action; no longer do we see them as separate - it's just a non issue now but back in the day if you cared for the poor you were considered to be a liberal. Battles over whether or not Christians should be involved in political and social issues; he said that of course we should in fact, he told us, to have the Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other.

John Stott helped me to understand the Bible and to love clear doctrine. His commentaries are phenomenally helpful. He also modelled to me a commitment to unity and to working well with others. When we're so quick to fragment and divide this has been a gift to the Church.

With the Langham Partnership he did more than just talk about the need to support majority world church leaders he got on and did it.

And there's loads more that could be said.... This link will take you to the EA's tribute that's worth a read.

Let's not idolise those who help us but rather honour them in ways that honour Him. Kind of like Hebrews 13:7 says.

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