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Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Gospel According to You

I'm preparing a message about how the degree to which we live satisfied in Christ is the degree to which we point a spotlight on the reality of Christ. People who aren't interested in God probably aren't going to read the Bible - why would they? - but even though they don't read any of the 66 books of Scripture they are likely to read us; which means we're kind of like the 67th book of the Bible....feels a bit heretical but go with it for a bit....

People will notice the degree to which God is enough for us, the extent to which we rely on Him and not pseudo-functional saviours like money, people, work and "stuff".  If our real security and hope lies in places other than Christ then how precious does He look?    But when we live dependent upon Him, when we show by our lives that He is enough then we display, in admittedly somewhat flawed ways, His goodness, power, love and glory.

The Gospel According to You

If none but you in the world today
Had tried to live in the Christlike way
Could the rest of the world look close at you
And find the path that is straight and true?

If none but you in the world so wide,
Had found the Christ as his daily guide
Would the things you do and the things you say
Lead others to live in the blessed way?

Ah! Friends of the Christ, in the world to-day
Are many who watch you upon your way,
And look to the things you say and do
To measure the Christ in standard true.

Men read and admire the Gospel of Christ
With its love so unfailing and true
But what do they say and what do they think
Of the Gospel according to you?

You are writing each day a letter to men;
Take care that the writing is true,
It's the only Gospel that some men may read - 

That Gospel accrording to you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dave for this timely reminder on living a Christ-like life. Sometimes we do get all consumed to thinking about what we want to be, or what we want to have, rather than our spiritual journey with the Lord. And really, it is only the Lord who we can count on through life. There is nothing else.
    So thank you once again for this reminder to question ourselves - are we living how we should be as Jesus as our Guide, and would people see this in our actions and works?


Hi. Always happy for you to post your comments - remembering of course that they'll be seen by everyone!!!