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Thursday 9 July 2015

Holiday Reading

Holiday Reading

At LBC we try and rest as a church, during August.  It’s not about going on holiday but about being in a healthy rhythm where we slow down, stopping some regular activities in order to gain space to remember God and his grace shown towards us in Christ.  It’s the Sabbath principle.  One of the ways we can make good use of that time is to read a decent Christian book that will strengthen and encourage us in our faith.

It’s worth remembering that Christianity is a book oriented faith; God has revealed himself in a book, the Bible, and Spirit filled teachers have written other books to help us understand it.  So whether we love reading or struggle with it, it’s important to persevere and try, with God’s help, to receive the blessings that he wants to make available through books. 

“I do not remember 99% of what I read but if the 1% I do remember is a life-changing insight, then I do not begrudge the 99%” John Piper

I’m going to make some suggestions of books that I would recommend to you as your Pastor.  They are books that, if read humbly and carefully, will be helpful to you as you seek to live a fruitful life for Christ.   If you were to read just one of these every six months, perhaps painfully slowly, you would be extremely well served.   In 5 years you could have read 10 excellent books which would strengthen you hugely but would also impact those around you. 

So in no particular order my recommendations:

Knowing God by Jim Packer.     
A true spiritual classic that will open your eyes to the amazing God we celebrate.  If your understanding of who God is and what he is done is thin your worship will be thin too.  This book will help you to grow in you r worship of and love for God.  It was written in 1973 and it will still be being read in another 40 years and beyond. 

Enjoy Your Prayer Life by Michael Reeves. 
At just 48 pages this short book wonderfully conveys what prayer is really all about.  It’s super encouraging and makes you want to pray. 

You Can Change by Tim Chester.  
This is book shows you how the gospel – not trying hard, doing more, learning more or getting special prayer ministry – can change our actions and attitudes.   This is old-time “reformed theology” written for the nitty gritty reality of 21st century life.  

The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg.  
I read this “by accident” on holiday last year and loved it.   How can we be the best version of ourselves, the one that looks like Jesus, the one that is flourishing and not languishing?  Deep, profound and at times laugh-out-loud funny.  A book you will want to go slowly through.  

Anything by Tim Keller.  
Literally anything - I bet even his shopping lists will lead you closer to Christ!  As far as I know Keller didn’t write anything for the first 30 years of his ministry but now when he’s a seasoned pastor and evangelist it feels like he’s writing a book a month.  
The Reason for God       How to explain Christianity to a sceptical world.
Kings Cross                     A journey through Mark’s gospel.  The thing you’ll say the most: “Why had I never noticed that….I want to tell my non-Christian friend
The Prodigal God              The teaching he gives here changed my life and ministry for ever about 10 years ago.   There are two ways of being lost…
Counterfeit Gods                Unbelievably helpful stuff about what we trust in other than Christ, why it fails to deliver and how it hurts us.  He then shows how Jesus will always be sufficient and better than anything else that calls for our allegiance.   
 Prayer                              This is on my pile of books to be read.  I cannot wait!

Honest Evangelism, Rico Tice    
I keep meeting people who have read this book and rave about it, I’ve read extracts and reviews but I need to read it and soon!  I need to be stirred to share my faith in only the way Rico Tice can do it.  

Compared to Her by Sophie de Wit
I’ve not read this but it sounds great.   I’ve read another of her books and she’s got a great style.  Here’s the blurb:    "I am a recovering Compulsive Comparison Syndrome sufferer. It causes me to feel envy, despair, pride and superiority. It cuts away at my relationship with God, with my loved ones, and with myself. It has promised me contentment, and yet robbed me of it.  This book is about how to spot this syndrome and its effects in your life; the view of life that causes it; how the gospel treats it; and how you can move beyond it to live a life of true, lasting contentment.”

Is God Anti Gay by Sam Allberry
I’d like everyone to read this.  It’s a short book that addresses the issue of same sex attraction, what God thinks and how Christians should respond.  It’s not the last word but it is super helpful for those who want to live under the authority of Scripture and truly love others.  

The Art of Pastoring by David Hansen
Ever wondered what a Pastor is for?  For many years I wasn’t sure and I was one!  This book is a gift to Pastors who don’t want to sell out to the “pastor as CEO” spirit of the age and it’s a gift to those who they serve. 

A Resilient Life by Gordon MacDonald.  
A wonderfully encouraging book about how to walk with Christ over the long haul and finish strong.   

More by Simon Ponsonby.  
This book was the excellent basis for a Sunday evening sermon series looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit.   How can we have more of the Spirit when we already have everything in Christ?   Mining the Cross without undermining it!

Living the Cross Centred Life by CJ Mahaney.
I’ve recommended this little book before.   Read a chapter a day and see what God does in your heart.  It’s wonderful!

I think I’ll leave it there for now!    Most of these you will be able to pick up second hand from Amazon for £3-£5.

I really hope that these books will help you as you seek to live well for Christ.

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