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Thursday 22 April 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Vote

Not sure what all the fuss is about? See if this helps....

1 Voting publicly recognizes that we submit to the authority of the political system in our nation as established by God (Rom. 13:1–7).

2 Voting recognizes the equality of all people and their right to speak and be heard (Deut. 10:17–19).

3 Voting is one way that we can obey God’s command to seek the good of those around us and our nation as a whole (Jer. 29:7).

4 Voting shows that we care deeply about who our leaders are as we are urged to offer prayer and intercession on their behalf (1 Tim. 2:1,2).

5 Voting is a simple yet significant way we can do something about politics in our nation. ‘All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing’, Edmund Burke (see Ps. 34:14).

6 Voting makes a difference the way a grain of salt makes a difference, and that is how we are to influence our society for good (Matt. 5:13).

7 Voting is a privilege not to be taken for granted. Those of us who reap the benefits of living in a democracy should play a part in upholding the principles of democracy.

8 Not voting is a form of voting, as it will influence the outcome. We need to take responsibility for our actions, as well as our lack of actions (Luke 10:25–37).

9 Voting is part of our stewardship to use all the resources we have been given in ways that honour God; to waste a vote is to squander a gift.

10 Voting is the way we delegate our own responsibility to take care of the planet to others more capable, so we can pursue our own vocation.

(Source EAUK)

1 comment:

  1. I agree it is good to vote. Even better to engage in the debates and even join the local party to influence the decision making process.

    How about a significant number of christians in a constituency joining the party in power and working, like yeast, from within. Even if the party was not their natural choice!


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