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Thursday 15 April 2010

Weird....In a Good Way

I worked a couple of hours at Costa yesterday. OK, I wasn't feeling 100% but it was exhausting. I left after my short shift and headed back to my study at the church absolutely done in....and I still haven't mastered the Flat White.....

I'd only been in a few minutes and one of the guys was telling me that they'd gone to church recently. Their friend had wanted to go and didn't want to go alone and so my colleague had nobly volunteered to go along too.

I asked him how it had gone and he said:

"Yeah, like, I mean, it was really kind of like really weird [said as a question....!]. Somewhat hesitantly I said:

"Weird in a good way?"

"Oh yeah weird in a good way!" He asked if my church was like that and I said:

"Weird in a good way...I guess it is!"

I want to be weird in a good way. I'm not sure I should blend in as much as I do.

Ditto the church. I want us to be weird for good reasons like the fact that we're seeking our joy and satisfaction in Christ rather than other stuff, that we're serious about living for the honour and reputation of Him rather than anything else. I want us to be that kind of weird.


  1. Good point. Far too often churches are weird in a bad way!

  2. Ahh the Flat White - my favourite!


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