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Saturday 6 February 2010

Two Films, Two Fridays

Yesterday I watched The Damned United, the film of David Peace's book about the 44 day reign of Brian Clough at Leeds United. Now I’m not a football fan but what a cracking film! The previous Friday I'd watched Ron Howard’s film Frost/Nixon which, by coincidence, also starred Michael Sheen.

Two Fridays, two great films but I realised afterwards that what would have really added to the enjoyment would have been to have watched them with someone else - so long, of course, as they didn't chat, ask questions or generally make any noise at all during the showing (I'm a bit OCD like that!).

Now I like my own space, which is why I'll often watch films by myself but I now realise that there is a loss, there is a downside, and that is the fact that with noone to share the experience then the enjoyment is, well, just not as great as it might have been.

And as it happens CS Lewis said a similar thing in his book Reflections on the Psalms

I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are; the delight is incomplete till it is expressed. It is frustrating to have discovered a new author and not to be able to tell anyone how good he is; to come suddenly, at the turn of the road, upon some mountain valley of unexpected grandeur and then to have to keep silent because the people with you care for it no more than for a tin can in the ditch; to hear a good joke and find no one to share it with. . . .

Good point well made!

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